Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Time passes so slow

Time seems to be passing very slow. I have been waiting for next week for days. Ever since the confirmation of my ViVA, i have been feeling very uneasy. I can't sleep properly nor eat properly. I told myself not to be too anxious. It will be ended very soon but I just can't control it. I have read through my thesis and i feel that it is not good at all. I am very afraid that i will fail.

I have found a lot of weaknesses in my thesis. I am not sure will it affect my results. I am not sure whether the examiners understand what i am trying to present in my thesis.

During my candidature, I have not published any papers which related to my topic. Not only that, I have not even given a presentation on my work at all. I have only discussed with my supervisor and also one or two researchers. I feel so inadueqate now. I feel that i have not done my best.

Many things happened during my candidature. I felt so lost at the moment. I just wanted to quickly finish my studies because i also have other missions to achieve. Too bad, after submitting my work, i have not accomplished any mission at all.

Hopefully, my work will not receive too much critics from the examiners. I hope they will try to help me instead of fail me. Being alone in a room with so many eyes set on me makes me chill..

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