Saturday, May 22, 2010

I hate General Hospital !

I really really hate general hospital. After going there for some time, i really hate their system. I hate the doctors there. Why do they always pass your case around? Why can't we just stick to one specialist? Why pass those urgent cases to those stupid trainee specialists/trainees? The sight of those stupid trainee medical officers make me want to give them a punch on their stupid faces?

Those trainee MO love to act as though they are superior and expert. In the end, they just refer to our previous record written by real specialist. So stop acting ! This is unacceptable !

Not only that, as a doctor, he/she should know how to retrieve blood from the patients but this particular doctor doesn't even know how to retrieve blood. In the end, i was ended with 2 BIG BRUISES on my hand. NOT EVEN A WORD OF SORRY !. This is ridiculous !

They do not have working attitude is really a shame to us. I don't know why do they want to be doctors if they can't even have positive working attitude.

There was this trainee doctor who sigh when he looks at my medical record. Come on! Don't sigh in front of the patients. You look like an idiot to me ! You can't do it, pass it to other doctors. Your are not fit to be a doctor !. You may as well get out from medical field!

I have only seen one thing in the general hospital. Most of the trainee doctors don't even have the passion to be doctors. I don't know why in the first place they want to be one? Just because their results are good during their schooling them? NAH, shame on them!. Not worth to be respected. With this kind of attitude, they can't go far at all !.

That is the reason why good doctors are getting less and less now. Worth to be respected are even lesser.....

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